Rants, emails, notes and thoughts on politics, climate change, economics and other fun facts.
And through out his whole speech he kept on referring to his plan, "In the plan that I'm proposing" and phrases as such, but I have one question....What Plan! If you asked him, "what page can we find where it says this or says that". He has no plan of his own. There are the 2 plans being considered by the house, and another or two being considered by the Senate, so what plan is he referring to? No wonder the biggest laugh from the attending congressman and senators was when he said, "Now we still have a few details to work out...." Ya Think!
The one man telling the truth last night, Joe Wilson, will now become the whipping post for the left, and they will ignore the mis-truths and down right lies said last night. For that I'm not happy....oh but deep down inside I'm saying "thanks Joe, you're right, he has no clothes!"
I love the part where he says to the congressman, "you've said we can keep our health insurance, Well Thank you, It's not your right to decide if I keep my insurance...."
We have given up so many rights, we need to change this country, take back the rights we've given up. 2010, is the time, to make our voices heard, and take back this country from the looters that have sold us down this road.
This is the best statement of why we must fight the health care reform Obama and the Dem. Congress are pushing. We must do all we can to stop this and return this country, this shining light on the hill, to its rightful place among the world. We are the leader of the free world, and we must stay the leader, for if not us, whom? Please listen to Mr. Hannan, and pay heed to his warning. We mustn't loose sight of from where we have come, and from whom we have come.
Our fathers gave us a form of government that is the envy of the world, and yet we let it slip our grasp, like we're hanging of a cliff, with rock and water below us, and not caring which we hit once we let go. I say don't let go, do more, climb back up on top of the mountain were we belong, and show the world what Freedom and Liberty are truly all about.
h/t Theo Spark
May his family be blessed with peace and may Sergeant Beale be in the loving arms of the Father.