Rants, emails, notes and thoughts on politics, climate change, economics and other fun facts.
In this CNN clip, a school bus driver is living in a beautiful home she bought using a mortgage product that allowed her to not have to show income, ( the clip doesn't mention the husbands employment), and it sounds as though they got 100% financing. Now, surprise -surprise, they are getting pre-foreclosure notices. They say the bank made it so easy to get the loan, trying to lay blame on the bank and not on her ignorance and stupidity. Now they could have been sold a bill of goods by a mortgage broker that put them in a "Option ARM", a product made for well off, very money savvy folks that works best when someone is able to make lump sum payments when say they get bonuses or large commission type income. But to put someone in a mortgage product that has the possibility for negative amortization and a low minimum payment that doesn't even pay all the monthly interest with each payment, that is low and has hurt the mortgage industry severely. But this person, the school bus driver, had every opportunity to say "No Thanks", from the beginning of the contract process all the way to the end at the closing table. They signed the note and the mortgage, so guess what, they are responsible for what they owe, NOT US!
What could have been going through this person's head when they signed this note? And now, they have the audacity to say that Pres. Obama needs to stop the foreclosures, I say take the home now, while it still has that nice kitchen and cabinets and appliances. This video clip did not say that anyone lost their jobs or they had some big medical bills or anything of that nature, something that might allow a mortgage company to make an exception and modify the mortgage, it just shows her saying that they bought too much house.....GET OUT! Allow the mortgage company to take it back and sell it if they can to recover something, this borrower will never be able to pay it back. And I'll be damned if they take any of my tax money and stop the foreclosure from taking place. She and her family just need to vacate and find an apartment or house to rent for a while, there's plenty of home to rent now as well.
The mentality of this report just underscores the nonsense that is happening with the government intrusion in the banking and housing industries. As long as the Obama administration keeps sticking its head into the free market, it will not be able to recover because the banks and companies will just be wondering......what's next? Uncertainty in the market place concerning taxes or governmental policies were the biggest factor in the slow recovery of the "Great Depression" and it looks as though we are seeing the same mind set with this administration today. Let businesses fail, let individuals fail and let the market do it's thing and we'll see hard choices being made and dead wood cut so that the economy will become lean and healthy again. Obesity is not just a general population problem today, it's a economic and governmental problem as well, we all need to trim our waistlines a few inches.
Rep. Schock goes one MSNBC, Obama minions if there ever were, and lays out his objections to the "Recovery Act" of the President. Listening to the reporter talk about what he thinks is stimulative, you can see why the Obama sheeple are so mis-informed. They seriously think that a bullet train form Vegas to L.A. will be stimulative, when just the environmental studies and planning will take years. Not one shovel of earth will be moved or one track laid, for at least 2 to 5 years, yet this MSNBC dolt argues with Rep. Schock that the construction spending will stimulate jobs and economy. Spending that is 2 to 5 years down the road does nothing for us now, when a "Stimulus Bill" is supposed to stimulate. Rep. Schock sets him straight, before the blind "obamaton" cuts him off. This is why we're getting this run down our throats, the media isn't just on his side, they believe this horse squeeze the President is shoveling.
On another note, let's keep our eye on this Congressman, according to this Youtuber, he's Hot! Well, all I know is if he was in my college frat, we would have sent him out with the other "face guys" to invite the Tri Delts over for a social. Let's hope he hangs in there for the long hall.
I like this guy, way to call a skunk a skunk Congressman Schock, I wish the Dems would have heard you. God Helps Us All!
In this speech, delivered in 1966 by Gov. Reagan of Calf., Reagan gives the best and easiest to understand argument against the modern day Liberal agenda. Listen has he describes the way liberalism, Socialism will be, and now is being slowly dripped in to our society. Then read my response to an opinion piece and to the responders to that piece. There's only one way to achieve the changes we need to expunge the power that has accumulated in Washington over the past 70 years, Revolution! Viva de Reagan Revolution!
"Now look over here, at this hand, the one I want you to watch, so you don't see my other hand in your back pocket" should be in a dialog bubble over "O's" head as he goes on about the bonus pay on Wall St. Please, everyone here harping on this issue; take your eyes off of this "slight-of-hand" distraction and see what this man and his congressional friends are doing with their other hand. While they go on about this populist issue, and hit us over the head with these dollar figures of $900Billion, and Trillions, so we get desensitized to them, they reach around with their magician's dexterity and slip in this bill and that bill, taking us down a road to socialized medicine and worse. This outrage is so misplaced that "O" must be thinking that he may just be able to walk on water, just like all of the knuckle-heads that voted for him must have thought. SHIP and increases in Medicare/Medicaid are the easiest way for the socialist snake to enter our homes and coil around us in what many will think is a warm, secure embrace, but then they will not notice the incremental tightening and squeezing that will take more and more of their life, their freedom, little by little.
The only way to have Wall Street clean up its act is to let it fail. The first step down this road I’m talking about was the TARP funds, and the misuse of those funds. We were told that “We had to pass it or we would fall off a cliff!” Well not even half of the money has been used, we haven’t fallen off that cliff, and Wall Street is nibbling at the teat for more. Haven’t we learned by now that when the Government sticks its ugly head in, nothing good ever happens. If we want to fix the bonus problem, let the SOBs fail, and get kicked to the street. It’s hard to get a bonus when you’re pounding pavement. Many times, the only way an addict realizes he is one is when he hits rock bottom. These Wall Street folks will learn if we get out of the way, let them fail and let the market buy up those assets, and there will be buyers, and create more efficient companies that respond to their stockholders. Wanting to tax high incomes at 80% or 90% won’t fix a damn thing, it will just keep these folks buying Congressmen and the loop-holes in the 18,000 page tax code that they need to keep the status quo. This administration is the best thing ever to happen to K Street, when they want to spend like there’s no tomorrow, which there won’t be for our kids of we let them.
The only fix is a revolution, one that kicks the IRS to the curb and one where we have a constitutional amendment that brings in the only way to limit the power of government and lobbyists, and that is the Fair Tax. Tax relief, not spending will dig us out of this hole we’re in and free us from the heavy hand of the Federal Government. Google it, look into it and learn about it and you will find that nothing out there would have as big an impact to changing the balance of power and bringing businesses back to the US than passing this in to law. What will it take, an act of congress. Not this congress, but one that comes after, after the public has had enough of their rights and lives being stepped on by this liberal, socialist government that thinks it is the answer, when, as a great president once stated, “it is the problem!”
In a exposure of Obama's willingness to tell people what they want to hear, he does his first interview of his new presidency with an Arab news network. And in this interview he says that we need to "restore" the "same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago".
This shows one of two things, Obama's utter lack of recent history or his dependence on the public's lack of it. In Charles Krouthammer's piece, "Obama Just Flatters Himself" ,Charles takes issue with Obama's view on the last 20 to 30 years and points out that we, the United States of America "has done more for suffering and oppressed Muslims than any nation, Muslim or non-Muslim, anywhere on earth. Why are we apologizing?" Charles again is spot on with this assessment, and I have some of the numbers for you. How can a president apologize to the Muslim world when we have sacrificed our blood, arms, legs, eyes and lives to set Muslims free of tyranny, or tried to help feed and save the lives of people we do not know and have no national interest, except in spreading freedom for all of God's children.
'82 - '84 ...the Beirut deployment... 266 killed (many in the Marine barrack bombing) and 196 wounded. Total casualties = 435
'82 - '88...Persian Gulf Escorts...39 killed, 31 wounded keeping Kuwaiti tankers safe from our friends in Iran. Total Casualties = 70
'90 - 91...Gulf War...KIA 151, total killed - 299, 467 wounded freeing a whole Muslim country from the hands of Saddam and his two thug sons. Total casualties = 766
'92 - '93...Sumalia...Killed 43, wounded 153 trying to bring food to starving Muslims in a country that we truly had no national interest in, but it's what we do. Total casualties = 196
'95 - still...Bosnia...Killed 12, wounded 6 trying to protect Muslims and Christians from killing each other. Both Muslims and Christians tried to cleanse the other out. Total casualties = 18
'99 -still...Kosovo...Killed 20, wounded 2 again protecting Muslims. Total casualties = 22
2001 -still...Afghanistan... Killed 629, wounded 2379. 25 million people given a chance at freedom that would never have come if it were not of the US. Total casualties = 3008, so far.
2003 - still...Iraq...Killed 4221, wounded 43993. Another 25 million people given a chance, and taking advantage of it. Elections over the weekend with 51% of the population participating.
'82 till now...Total Killed 5529, total wounded 47700. 52, 729 soldiers laying down their lives or limbs to help and protect Muslim peoples all around the world from mainly fellow Muslims. And what does Pres. Obama say to the Muslim world? That "we" the US and western world, "cannot paint with a broad brush a faith as a consequence of the violence that is done in that faiths name." We have not done that, if anything we have done the reverse. Pres. Bush going to the Islamic Center in Washington, as Krauthammer points out, as ground zero was still smoldering, making sure that we did not take out our frustrations on our fellow Muslim-Americans and guests and declaring "Islam is Peace".
As we have done in the past, after we saved Europe and defeated the Nazis, and in Japan, and in Korea, the US military sacrifices it bravest and best, helping those who can't help themselves from those that care less for their own people than we do, and all we have asked in the past is enough room to bury our fallen. Now, we bring them home to lay in the bosom of our earth. And the wounded, we give them the best care we can, honoring them every chance we can with a simple "thank you for your service". We give our blood for others, why? Because this country stands against those that take the blood of others, and we always will.
Pres. Obama, instead of telling the Muslim world what our relationship will be like in the future, why not just point out what we have done for them in the past and ask, would you like us to continue trying to help or not. One more black eye from the Muslim extremists and attitudes may change.