But I must say that with all the Arab culture has given the world; the Islamic religion has taken away. With out doubt, the western world has taken a toll on peoples all around the world with the colonialism of the past, two world wars that killed millions. But now, it seems the west is welcoming, so much so that it is to "their" detriment. The political correctness and efforts not to offend Muslims, has left us open to the radicals of the religion that the vast majority of the Arab people subscribe.
I must ask, if the circumstances were reversed, and Israel was sending 2 to 30 rockets in to the west bank or Gaza every day for the last 2 to 3 years, the Arab world would have been outraged, demanding that the UN stop the assault at once. Even if, as has been reported, the death toll was only one Palestinian, the fact that an exploding rocket could land in a child’s room, in a place of worship or a school and possibly kill innocents, the people of Gaza would be more than justified to take action. But yet, the Israeli people, in taking such action, are denounced as Genocidal. If that is so, why do they not just keep it up, and on the west bank as well. It's because they want to stop the rockets, not lives.
The people of Gaza had a chance to show the world that they could create a peaceful, respectful Palestine. They could have turned Gaza in to another

The Arab people need to take back their culture form the radical Islamist, being very visible and deliberate so as to make the world see that they would like to live in peace with everyone, including Israel and the west. If Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Syria would take leading roles in stopping the violence against innocent people, then the world would support the two state compromise full tilt. This would mean letting the Palestinian