Instead of handing out another $50 billion in a stimulus package as Obama suggests, how about taking that $50 billion and investing it some new drilling off the Florida coasts, ANWR and my favorite, building more Nuclear power plants. As I've stated in the past, if government would get out of the way and let Americans do what we do best, innovate and produce, that $50 billion would come back to the government 10 fold in new business and personal tax revenue. But that's not all I'd like to see.
How about this for a concept: Many more nuclear power plants, producing a much higher percentage of our power needs than today, and the use of state of the art electric cars. Now I know what you might be thinking, electric cars, those golf carts on steroids, no thanks. But what if you could go from zero to 60 mph in less than 4 seconds in one. And what if you could travel for more than 220 miles before you hand to recharge. And what if you could recharge in less than 4 hours. And what if your car looked like this:

Now, yes, this car is expensive, about $109,000, but it's the first one.

With Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) and with Zero Emission Power, Nuclear plants, so many problems are solved. Immense reduction in oil imports, 68% of oil is used to power our cars and other transportation, less reliance on fossil fuels for power, which will result in much less Co2 going in to the atmosphere. Less Co2 will appease the "Greenies" that think we are the cause of our world warming up. Less reliance on foreign powers for our energy needs provides us security in a dangerous world. We could lead the way in the world to the next big technologies in battery power and ZEV production.
Let us innovate and produce and we, America, will again lead, leading the world out of fossil fuel dependence to a world of energy independence for any country that will follow our lead.
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